Be Soul Tied To God

Encouragement for Luray
 and every community seeking a peaceful quality of life and a cleansing revival for pure hearts and a
Blessed Community

Taking Care of

Luray Revival prayer for the Glory of God and a
Wonderful Place for people to come and live and grow!

It's a Lovely Day in Luray Today - A Lovely Day in Luray Today
Won't you be - Won't you be - Won't you be our neighbor?

Let Us all as Sinners Call on the Name of Jesus To Bring Us Before God our Creator and Heavenly Father

To save our souls and bring us in Righteousness through the blood of Christ and
Help us Speak The Word of God in Authority as the Children of the King of Kings
Through the Covenant of the Blood of Jesus that gives us Power over Darkness and Wickedness
When we speak the Word Of God In Jesus Name to Glorify God and not to bring attention to ourselves!

Do Not wine or complain - it allows darkness to over come you....

As a New person in Christ - You are Now Walking with POWER
with the Anointed One... Who is the Truth and Grace that stands before God
as long as we do not complain, disobey and do not fret...

When we speak even when we don't feel like it... Continue to ....

Praise God From Where All Blessings Flow -
Praise God All Creatures here below... Praise God among Yee Heavenly Hosts - Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost.

Jesus Christ Does Set YOU FREE!!!

Emotionally, physically, psychologically - if you put yourself in
His Word and be cleansed with the washing of His Word
and put yourself among others that believe and can encourage each other.
Do not feel alone - seek out others that will encourage and help strengthen you!

Christ is the anointed One -  That was before the earth was spoken into existence.
He is the spirit of Truth and He Rules and reigns in the hearts of those that seek TRUTH!

He has already conquered death and all wickedness - we just need to walk with Him and Put His Word Into Our Lives by Speaking His Word Over Our Children, Our Lives, Our issues, circimstances and everything that concerns us.

Let's join together in Luray in the name of
Jesus through the Blood of Jesus.  Jesus The Beginning and the End - Author and Maker of all things.

Get it into Your Spirit that He makes things New and we have authority to command in the name of Jesus to
Command that the wicked one restores what has been stolen  - in Every Way for
Every Person that Expects To Receive he Restoration of what the Wicked One has taken!

No weapon formed against the people in Luray will prosper -
All wickedness and non Holy words and deeds are confused and exposed and deemed powerless.

God is in charge Arising in the People of Luray - as they Speak the Word of God in Truth to Arise and Be The Leader and Maker of our Community and Savior and Head of our Community as the people surrender to Him and Speak His Words into manifestation into our closets, bedrooms, homes, offices, streets, communities, court rooms, hallways, restaurants, jail cells, doctors offices, school rooms and in the seats and desks of everyone with any authority of any capacity in Page County...

In Jesus Name - Luray is Under the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ and the Captives Are Set Free In Jesus Name

Bonnie Kaufmann and all those that agree in prayer

If you agree with this prayer - sign your name below and know that you are not alone - but we are a peculiar people
Demanding that the Power that God Gave us To Bring Heaven To Earth - This Will Be

when we pray as he taught us to pray:

Our Father, Who Art in Heaven - Hallowed Be Thy Name
They Kingdom Come - Thy Will Be Done On Earth as it is in Heaven!

Give us This Day and Every Day - Our Daily Bread to Stand Strong and Look and Abide in You
And Lead Us Not Into Temptation to walk in fear and Deliver us from the evil one.

For Thine Is the Kingdom - The Power and All the Glory

- over all our affairs, issues, children, grandchildren, neighbors and community

For Ever and Ever!


Men Rise up and be the men you need to be and
walk around the buildings of our community and claim them for Truth and Setting People Free in Luray.

Women - Be Virtuous and diligent with your words of encouragement and prayer over every thought

Cast all thoughts of despair down and stomp on them and Dance To God With Joy and Happiness
and Teach Your Children To Pray and Dance Unto the Lord
Do Not Be Afraid - Be Bold - For the Lord Thy God is With You!

In Love

Steve and Bonnie Kaufmann,
Be Soul Tied To God!!!
Taking Care of

Taking Care of

Copyright May 1st, 2007  All Rights Reserved